Tuesday, August 18, 2009

harrison bergeron vocabulary

1. calibrated: check, adjust, settings on instruments used for measurements
- The man calibrated the speedometer on his car.

2. consternation: sudden, alarming amazement resulting in confusion
- There was a consternation at the school when someone suddenly pulled the fire alarm.

3. cower: crouch, recoil, flinch
- The dog cower when the cat hissed at him.

4. hindrance: stopping, preventing
- The mother hindranced when she saw her daughter getting the tea pitcher out of the refridgerator.

5. luminous: radiating or reflecting light
- The fireworks were luminous on the fourth of July.

6. symmetry: equal proportions
- When the butterfly was sitting on the flower, there was a symmetry about the two together.

7. synchronizing: causing to work or operate at the same time; unison
- The birds were synchronizing when they were flying.

8. vague: unclear
- When the girl was looking out of the window, it was vague because it was foggy.

9. vigilance: watchful, alert, paying attention
- The security officer at the store was vigilance when he was watching the t.v's because he didn't want anyone to steal anything.

10.wince: to draw back or tense the body as if experiencing pain

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