Tuesday, August 18, 2009

black cat discussion questions (^_^)

1. Discuss the significance of the following quote: "There is something unselfish and self-sacrificing love of a brute, which goes directly to the heart of him who has had frequent occasion to test the paltry friendship and gossamer fidelity of man."
  • The quote is saying that dogs have a way of making you love them. No matter what you do to the dog it will still love you. It is also saying that dogs have a way of giving back in an unselfish way and the dog would do anything for its owner.

2. What is the significance of the cat's name, Pluto?

  • The significance of the cat's name, Pluto, is it is the smallest planet, it's the furthest from the sun, and has no significance.

3. Why did the narrator initially restrain himself from maltreating the cat while maltreating the other animals?

  • He didn't mistreat the cat because it was his friend and at that point he didn't really care that the cat loved him as much as he did.

4. Why does he eventually mistreat the cat?

  • He eventually mistreats the cat because he saw that the cat actually loved him and he hated everything that loved him.

5. Describe the narrator's feelings after abusing the cat. Why is that significant?

  • The narrator didn't feel bad about abusing the cat because he had no heart or conscience.

6. How does the narrator define "perverseness"? Do you agree with his definition? Do you agree that it is human nature?

  • He was killing because he knew that it was wrong to kill. People could be capable because some people have no conscience like the man in the story.

7. Discuss the significance of the following quote: "[I] hung it because I knew that it had loved me, and because I felt it had given me no reason of offense; because I knew that in doing so I was committing a sin."

  • This quote is saying that he hung the cat because he knew that it loved him. He basically hated what loved him and he knew he was doing wrong but he did it anyway.

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