Tuesday, August 18, 2009

harrison bergeron discussion questions

1. What is the theme of the story?

- The theme is that no one is allowed to be different, everyone has to be the same.

2. What do you think Harrison's rebellion reveals about his character and values?

- Harrison's rebellion shows that he isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes is right.

3. What conclusions can you draw about the society in which the characters live?

- The society in the story wants everyone to be alike and they are basically living on lockdown.

4. What do you think Vonnegut might be trying to say about today's society and the role a government can play in achieving equality amoung people? At what point does the government go too far?

- He is trying to say that we are to busy trying to be like other people that we aren't being like ourselves. The government and societyare always telling young girls and guys that if they aren't like the "famous people", or they make comments like if your not like them then you aren't a "regular."

5. In what ways is there tension between equality and opportunity in our country today?

- There is still tension between equality because a lot of men say that "your a girl, you can't do this", etc. But there isn't that much tension about opportunity because now it doesn't matter what race or ethnicity you are we have the same opportunities.

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