Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lord of the Flies: DQ's Chapter 9

What was the "cannon" that continued to play" throughout chapter 9?---Thunder (pg 145)2.Who sat, like an idol, painted and garlanded, in the corner of the lawn?---Jack (pg 149)3.During the party, evening had come, not with calm beauty, but with the---threat of violence (pg 150)
4.At the party, who acted like the pig?---Roger (pg 152)
5.What happened to the parachutist?---Blown over and into the sea (pg 153)
6.Who was killed because the boys thought he was the beast?---Simon (pg 152)
7. What happened to the body on the beach?---The body washed out to sea (pg 154)WHO SAID IT?
8."Do your dance! Come on! Dance!---Jack (pg 151)9."Let them go. I don't care."---Ralph (pg 148
10."P'raps we ought to go too...I mean to make sure nothing happens"---Piggy (pg 148)

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