Thursday, October 29, 2009

vocab 3

21.Dubious(Doubtful)- Causing doubt. -someone that shouldn't be trusted.-Timmy always knew that John was a dubious person.
22.Ebullience(Zest)- High spirits, exhilaration;exuberance. -something exciting.-Timmy was full of ebullience when he heard about his new dog.
23.Ferocity(Savagery)-A ferocious quality aor state;savage;fierceness. -someone who is wild.-John's ferocity towards the speading ice cream truck didn't make the truck slow down any.
24.Florished(Grow)-To be in a vigorous state;thrive. -to thrive in growth.-The garden in the park has florished since May.
25.Floliage(Herbage)-The leaves of a plant. -leaves-Dad said to rake the foliage from the yard to make it look nicer.
26.Furtive(Sneaky)-Taken, done, used surreptiouly or by stealth. -taken by someone who is scheming.-John's furtive behavior made Timmy suspious of what he was plotting.
27.Grave(Vital)-Threatening a seriously bad outcome. -something dangerous.-He soon found out that his life was in grave danger.
28.Impervious(Resistant)-Not permitting penetration or passage. -something that is unapproachable.-John didn't know that Timmy was impervious to his schemes.
29.Incantation(Voodoo)-The chanting or uttering of words. -a chant.-The tribe's incantation was said to bring rain to the land.
30.Inscrutable(Secret)-Incapable of being investigated,analyzed or scrutinized. -something mysterious.-John's inscrutness made Timmy nervous.

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