Tuesday, September 29, 2009

S.A.T. prep vocab

1. Abhor- to hate
-I Abhor going to the dentist because it only means trouble.
-I Abhor my family because all they do is fight.

2. Bigot- Narrow minded, prejudice person.
-Hitler was both a bigot and insane.
-Donald is a bigot

3. Counterfeit- fake, False
-Not all counterfeit bills are easy to spot, some are very well made.
-It was obvious that the hundred dollar bill was counterfeit because it had an abraham lincoln picture on the front.

4. Noxious- Harmful; poisonous; lethal
-the venom of a vampire is noxious but if can bring eternal life to those who do not die from the bite
-My brothers farts are noxious after we eat mexican food for dinner.

5. Placid- Calm; peaceful
-Lake placid was a very poorly made movie.
- When all seems placid beware the storm is coming.
6. Talisman-Lucky Charm
-A rabbits foot is considered to be a talisman of good luck.
-Some other things that people hink are talismen are vudoo dolls, rocks, chins, four leaf clovers, horse shoes, and many more.
7. Aberration- Different from what is normal, desirable, or expected.
- The dog eatting johnny's homework was an aberration, however he still got a zero for the assignment.
- The Aberrations that some people expeirience aren't real, they are hilusinations.
8. Accentuate- to make a featureof something more noticeable; to emphasize
-The bite markson johnny's neck accentuate the fact that there had been many "animal attacks" in the area.

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